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Board Meeting Archives - August 10-11, 2016

Colorado State Board of Education

Audio Recordings

August 10, 2016 

2016-8-10 Board Meeting - Pt. 1 (Length: 02:47:48 | Format: MP3 | Size: 57.6 MB)

Includes: Commencement of Meeting; Approval of Agenda; Approval of Consent Agenda as Amended; State Board Relations Director Report; Interim Commissioners Report; Legislative Matters; Student Data Transparency and Security Implementation Plan; Public Comment; Proposed Research Evaluation Process; Notice of Rulemaking for Accountability for Alternate Education Campuses; Notice of Rulemaking for the Rules for the Annual Inspection and Preventative Maintenance of School Transportation Vehicles; Notice of Rulemaking for the Rules of Operation of School Transportation Vehicles; Notice of Rulemaking for the Rules for the Administration of the Waiver of Statute and Rule; 2017 Proposed Regular State Board Meeting Dates; and Board Member Reports

2016-8-10 Board Meeting - Pt. 2 (Length: 01:26:17 | Format: MP3 | Size: 98.7 MB)

Includes: Rules for the Administration of the Healthy Beverages Policy; Waiver Request from Peetz Plateu; Budget Change Requests; Request from Denver Public Schools on Behalf of McGlone Academy 

August 11, 2016

2016-8-11 Board Meeting  (Length: 02:54:52 | Format: MP3 | Size: 200 MB)

Includes: Open Meetings Orientation; ESSA State Plan Development and USDE Proposed Regulations Update; Colorado Measures of Academic Success Results 

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