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Board Meeting Archives -- April 24, 2017

Colorado State Board of Education

Audio Recordings

April 24, 2017 

2017-4-24 Board Meeting - Pt. 1 (Length: 02:23:29 | Format: MP3 | Size: 50,446 KB)

Includes: Commencement of Meeting; Accountability Recommendations Concerning Prairie Heights Middle School and Franklin Middle School in Greeley 6 School District Case No. 17-AR-05 and their Innovation Application Request on Behalf of the Two Schools  


2017-4-24 Board Meeting - Pt. 2 (Length: 04:11:33 | Format: MP3 | Size: 88,442  KB)

Includes: Accountability Recommendations Concerning Bessemer Elementary, Heroes Middle School, and Risley International Academy of Innovation in Pueblo City 60 Schools Case No. 17-AR-06; Hearing on the Appeal of Westminster Public Schools 2016 District Accreditation Rating

For additional information e-mail [email protected].

Members of the media who wish to speak with a state board member should email [email protected].