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Amplify ELAT Newsletter--May 4, 2020

ELAT Program Contacts and Administrators


Action Needed: Rollover Date - mCLASS System Level Users ONLY

Completion of rollover signals the start of the new school year for your institution. 

We are reaching out now because we understand that your district’s calendar may have been adjusted due to remote learning. We want to provide early guidance regarding this year’s rollover so you can make the best decision about the timing for enrolling your account in the 2020–2021 school year.

You have two options for rolling over your account: 

  • Selecting the default rollover date: Your institution will roll over to the 2020–2021 school year on July 17, 2020. If this date aligns with your needs, no additional action is required.
  • Selecting an alternate date: If the default rollover date is not ideal because you are conducting classes/summer learning through the summer or participating in a product trial that will end when your school rolls over, a district-level user with system access can select an alternate rollover date on the Admin page of mCLASS Home starting May 11, 2020. Alternate rollover dates are available from June 8 through August 28, 2020.

Please consult your school and district staff to ensure the rollover date you select is appropriate throughout your district. The following considerations may help in determining your rollover date:

  • Any trials, licenses, or entitlements associated with the 2019-2020 school year that have not been renewed for 2020-2021 end upon rollover.
  • Summer learning classes that use mCLASS applications and remote learning programs that use the free trial version of Amplify Reading must end before your rollover date. (The Colorado Amplify Reading Pilot is scheduled to end June 30th.)
  • After rollover, all student work and assessment results will take place in the 2020-2021 school year. New classes will need to be created for student work to be completed.
  • If you select an alternate rollover date, you must do so before your alternate date or July 17, whichever comes first.
  • Once an alternate rollover date is selected, you cannot change this date without contacting Amplify Customer Services.

We understand that your plans for the 2020-2021 school year still may be in flux, so our Customer Support teams are available to answer your rollover questions by email at [email protected] or by phone at (800) 823-1969. We look forward to working with you through the summer and into the new school year. Thank you for your continued partnership.


ELAT Contact Information - If you are going to have new leaders for ELAT (district- or school-level), let Karen Cushman know at [email protected]. It is helpful to keep our contact information up-to-date.


Action Needed: Please Set Your 2020-21 Benchmark Windows (Program Contacts Only)

Please use this form to set your benchmark windows within the mCLASS system so that  teachers will be able to assess within your designated window at Back to School. Please fill out this form by July 10, 2020 so that your windows are set correctly. If you need to change your window after you have filled out the form, please email Genna Faulkenberry at [email protected].


End of the Year Professional Development: Multiple Sessions Offered Remotely - We have had GREAT attendance and feedback from participants. Please join us!

Given the recent events around COVID-19 that prevent gatherings in person, and in coordination with the Colorado Department of Education (CDE), we have decided to move all of our end of year professional development for ELAT to a remote format. We will be offering data analysis sessions for both leaders and teachers daily Monday - Thursday, April 27 - May 21. You can choose to review data up through recent progress monitoring, data from previous school years, or use our demo (practice) data when we get to those sections. 

This is an opportunity for all leaders and teachers to be able to attend with no costs for travel or substitutes. We encourage schools to have teams register ASAP. 


For more details, please visit our microsite and click “Professional Development Opportunities.”


Please share the information below with your staff - THANK you for your assistance!


ELAT Updates for Coaches and Teachers


End of the Year Professional Development: Multiple Sessions Offered Remotely- We have had GREAT attendance and feedback from participants. Please join us!

Given the recent events around COVID-19 that prevent gatherings in person, and in coordination with the Colorado Department of Education (CDE), we have decided to move all of our end of year professional development for ELAT to a remote format. We will be offering data analysis sessions for both leaders and teachers daily Monday - Thursday, April 27 - May 21. You can choose to review data up through recent progress monitoring, data from previous school years, or use our demo (practice) data when we get to those sections. 

This is an opportunity for all leaders and teachers to be able to attend with no costs for travel or substitutes. We encourage schools to have teams register ASAP. 


For more details, please visit our microsite and click “Professional Development Opportunities.”