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ELAT Newsletter-March 21, 2019

Amplify ELAT Newsletter-March 21, 2019

UPDATE: Interim Assessment Name Change

The Dynamic Measurement Group (authors of DIBELS Next) have announced that the name of DIBELS Next has changed to Acadience Reading.  

It is important to note that the content of the assessment will remain the same.  Additionally, the current materials, training, and software provided by Amplify through the Early Literacy Assessment Tool (ELAT) Project will all remain current and usable; this is simply a change in the assessment name.  


Setting Your 2019-20 Benchmark Windows

Please fill out this form by July 5, 2019  so that your benchmark testing windows are set correctly.

When selecting your benchmark windows in the fields below, please ensure that the assessment dates comply with the following guidelines:

BOY: Select a two week window during the first 30 calendar days of your school year.

Kindergarten consideration: Through a provision in HB15-1323 you may choose to use up to 60 calendar days for initial benchmarking. However, we would encourage districts to continue with best practice by benchmarking and providing support early in the year, within the first 30 days. Completion of your READ BOY assessment within the 60 days will inform the literacy component of your readiness assessment.

MOY: Select a two week window that falls between December 2nd - 20th OR January 6th - January 24th. (**Please note your dates need to be prior to the Holiday break OR after the Holiday break.)

EOY: Select a two week window within April 27th - May 15th.

If you have questions regarding benchmark windows, please contact Christy Hughes at [email protected].