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Indicator 7 - Preschool Outcomes


Percent of preschool children aged 3 through 5 with IEPs who demonstrate improvement in the following areas:

  • Indicator 7A. Positive social-emotional skills (including social relationships).
  • Indicator 7B. Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills (including early language/ communication and early literacy).
  • Indicator 7C. Use of appropriate behaviors to meet their needs.

(20 U.S.C. 1416 (a)(3)(A))


The state must report on 3 outcomes:

A. Positive social-emotional skills (including social relationships);

B. Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills (including early language/communication and early literacy); and

C. Use of appropriate behaviors to meet their needs.

For each outcome, the state must report the percent of children who qualify for the following two summary statements:

Summary Statement 1: Of those preschool children who entered the preschool program below age expectations in each Outcome, the percent who substantially increased their rate of growth by the time they turned 6 years of age or exited the program.

Summary Statement 2: The percent of preschool children who were functioning within age expectations in each Outcome by the time they turned 6 years of age or exited the program.


How is Colorado doing on this indicator?

Ind 7a Graph, A1, Rate 72.01%, Target 75.32%, A2 Rate 64.61%, Target, 63.25%
Ind 7b Graph, B1 Rate 73.73% Target 78.87%, B2 Rate 63.35% Target 66.95%
Ind 7c Graph, C1 Rate 71.33%, Target 69.18%; C2 Rate 66.52% Target 58.51%

State Level

Administrative Unit Level​

Targets for the Current SPP/APR Cycle

Indicator 7 targets - 6-year SPP/APR cycle
Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
Data from School Year 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26
Target A1 >= 75.32% 75.32% 75.32% 75.32% 75.32% 76.81%
Target A2 >= 63.25% 63.25% 63.25% 63.25% 63.25% 64.92%
Target B1 >= 78.87% 78.87% 78.87% 78.87% 78.87% 80.28%
Target B2 >= 66.95% 66.95% 66.95% 66.95% 66.95% 68.58%
Target C1 >= 67.56% 67.56% 67.56% 69.18% 70.80% 72.42%
Target C2 >= 58.51% 58.51% 58.51% 58.51% 58.51% 60.22%







Improvement Strategies

Ind 7 Graphic decorative

  • CDE currently provides AUs with the Administrative Data Use Self-Assessment, an online resource, to monitor their own data use. 
  • CDE will develop a structured TA plan that includes the implementation of an evidence-based data-based decision-making and problem-solving process at the local level by using these critical questions: (SY2021-22)
    • Accountability questions are the focus of the TA plan.
      • What is the quality of the EC program where young children receive special education services? (inclusive practices and a standards-aligned curriculum are the outcomes that we expect)
      • How do outcomes for children differ between service-delivery models (structures) and child outcomes?
      • What do families report help their child develop and learn?
    • CDE and the LEA will identify detailed roles and expectations in building a culture of data use.
    • CDE will develop and provide a process flow for data analysis. 
    • CDE will provide data visualizations and training on data literacy
  • CDE is planning on providing individualized TA support to AUs in the implementation of collaborative planning and data-based decision-making. (SY2022-23)
  • CDE is planning on identifying Promising Practices on data use and publishing them on the website. (SY2023-24) 


Additional Resources

For more information, contact:

Orla Bolger
Supervisor, Data and Monitoring Liaison
Email Orla Bolger
Phone: (720) 921-0524

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