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Indicator 11 - Timely Initial Evaluation


Percent of children whose initial evaluations were completed within 60 days upon receipt of parental consent.

§300.301 (c)(1)(i)


AU Data Submission

•  Data source – Special Education End of Year (SPED EOY) Data Collection
•  Date of Parental Consent to Evaluate
•  Date Evaluation Completed 
•  Reason for Delay in Completing the Evaluation
•  Date range – July 1 – June 30
•  Closing date of AU data submission – Mid-October

CDE Data Analysis

•  Extracts only students who were referred for an initial evaluation in the school year
•  Calculates the % of students who received the initial evaluation within the 60-day timeline or had valid reasons for the delay
•  An initial evaluation is out of compliance if the evaluation was completed more than 60 days after parent consent and with an invalid delay reason. 
•  Invalid delay reasons include "Additional evaluations or special evaluation needed." "Staff missed the timeline," "Other." "COVID 19" retired effective SY2022-23

How is Colorado doing on this indicator?

The target for Indicator 11 is 100%

The target for Indicator 11 is 100% and in 2023-24 the State was at 98.90%

Additional Resources

For more information, contact:

Orla Bolger
Supervisor, Data and Monitoring Liaison
Email Orla Bolger
Phone: (720) 921-0524

Sarah Tarus
Program Support Assistant
Email Sarah Tarus
Phone: (720) 765-0361


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