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Professional Development (FASD)

Online Learning

Understanding the Brain Learning Series

The Building Blocks of Brain Development & Neuroeducational Evaluation

This module provides information on brain development and a simple framework for understanding and addressing the needs of students with all types of learning differences.

[Time: 48 minutes]

Understanding the Intersection between Brain Injury and Mental Health Conditions

A child who sustains a brain injury is vulnerable to developmental, psychosocial and biochemical consequences. Increase your understanding of and how best to address the needs of these students.

[Time: 33 minutes]

Understanding Brain Injury and the Intersection with Challenging Behaviors: "Can't versus Won't"

A brain-based approach to identifying the root cause of behavior and effectively addressing a students’ challenging behaviors.

[Time: 27 minutes]

Brain Injury 101: Laying the Framework

This module provides information on what a brain injury is, the different types of brain injury, and how school teams can identify the areas of impact of brain injuries.

[Time: 55 minutes]

Brain-Based Classroom & Executive Function Strategies

This module provides strategies for educators that are designed to address the learning and behavioral needs of students. These strategies are also designed to be easily accessed and implemented.

[Time 1 hour 3 minutes]

Understanding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder/Prenatal Substance Exposure and the Special Education Considerations

Participants will learn about the brain and what types of disruptions in brain development may occur with prenatal substance exposure. Participants will learn a brain-based approach to understanding learning and behavior and special education considerations. This module covers the special education category of Other Health Impairment (OHI) when a student has a health condition that impacts their thinking.

[Time: 59 minutes]

Opening Slide: Online Learning Modules: Understanding the Brain provided by the Exceptional Student Services Unit, Brain Injury Team.


Register & Watch: 

To view any of the Understanding the Brain Learning Series modules participants must complete the series registration. Upon completion of the registration an email will be sent with a link to view the module(s) selected. 

Understanding the Brain Series Registration

Evaluation & Certificate:

After viewing each module participants will be able to receive CDE credit once they complete the module evaluation & knowledge check. A link to the evaluation and knowledge check will be provided in the registration email. A passing score required to receive a certificate. 

8 Magic Keys - Video

Watch an animated educational video, developed by Anchorage School District, called “8 Magic Keys.” Strategies are described by Deb Evensen and Jan Lutke, two highly respected experts in the field. The goal was to provide basic information as well as to demonstrate strategies that support students with FASD. This video addresses elementary, secondary school situations as well as family situations. It is helpful for parents and educators to understand what a child with FASD experiences on a daily basis in a variety of situations.

University of Washington:  A project of the UW Fetal Alcohol and Drug Unit

Education and FASD Toolkit

Includes free resources and on-demand webinars:

  • Common Classroom Symptoms of FASD
  • Understanding How FASD Impacts Students
  • Education Strategies
  • Resource Guides for Teachers
  • And much more!

For more information, please contact:

Jody Dickerson, RN, BSN, MN
Email Jody Dickerson
(720) 795-2273 

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If you have problems with broken links or accessing the content on this page, please contact the Exceptional Student Services Unit at [email protected]. Please copy the URL link for this page into the email when referencing the problem you are experiencing.