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Requirements (Secondary Transition)


Indicator 13

Indicator 13 data [a compliance indicator for transition plan requirements documented in Individual Education Programs (IEPs)] is collected and reported by the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) through electronic record reviews. These reviews are conducted by Administrative Unit (AU) staff through the use of the Exceptional Student Services Unit Data Management System (ESSU DMS).

Learn more about Indicator 13

Indicator 14

Indicator 14 measures state performance on the transition from high school to postsecondary education or employment of students with IEPs.

Learn more about Indicator 14

Summary of Performance

The Summary of Performance IDEA 2004, Sec. 614(c)(5)(B)(ii):

a.Provides information to students who are graduating with a regular diploma to assist them in meeting their postsecondary goals; and

b.Provides information to students who are leaving school because they exceed the age of eligibility for a free appropriate public education (end of semester in which they turn 21) to assist them in meeting their postsecondary goals. 

For students with an active IEP leaving high school for any reason other than the attainment of a regular diploma or through exceeding the age of eligibility, an eligibility review must be completed. Although not explicitly required by IDEA, if the review determines the student will exit, CDE recommends that a Summary of Performance be completed and provided to the student.

Picture: Transition Requirements (hands holding puzzle pieces)


Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP) is a multi-year process that intentionally guides students as they explore career, academic and post-secondary opportunities. With the support of adults, students develop the awareness, knowledge, attitudes and skills to create their own meaningful and PoWeRful pathways to be career and college ready.  Senate Bill 09-256 was enacted into law with a requirement that by September, 2011, all students, grades 9-12 would have access to a system within their high school to create and manage an Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP). Final rules defining the requirements for ICAP were adopted by the State Board of Education in January, 2010.

For more information, please contact:

Kacy Little Owl
Secondary Transition Specialist
Email Kacy Little Owl
Phone: (720) 827-8283

Katie Oliver
Principal Consultant / Inter-Agency Transition Liaison
Email Katie Oliver
Phone: (720) 413-4006

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